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Utah Hunting 2022
Contact Info
1594 West North Temple
PO Box 146301
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6301
ph 801-538-4700
App Deadlines
2025 Draw Dates:
Nov 6 (Sportsman's resident raffle)
Dec 27 (spring turkey)
Feb 18 (black bear)
April 24 (big game)
June 18 (antlerless & points only)
Mid July (swan & grouse)
July 8 (youth & archery general elk permits on sale)
July 10 (any-bull general elk permits on sale)
July 17 (spike general elk permits available)
July 29 (private-lands cow elk permits available)
Results Posted
Elk, Deer, Antelope, Once-in-a-lifetimes -
2025 : by May 15
2024 : May 14 (emails & online)
2023 : May 25 (emails) / May 31 (online)
2022 : May 12 (charges) / May 13 (emails)
2021 : May 10 (charges) / May 11 (emails)
2020 : May 12 (charges) / May 15 (emails)
2019 : May 13 (emails)
2018 : May 11

Black Bear -
2025 : by Feb 28
2024 : Feb 28
2023 : Feb 28
2022 : Mar 2
2021 : Mar 2

Antlerless -
2025 : by July 3
2024 : July 5
2023 : July 6
2022 : June 28
2021 : June 29
2020 : June 30

2025 Non-Resident Fees

General Season Any-Bull Elk Tags : 15,000 quota
Season choice

On Sale July 2025
Never sold out in 2024
Sold out in 13.5 days in 2023
Sold out in 4.2 hours in 2022

Sold out in 9.5 hours in 2021
Sold out in 8.5 hours in 2020

General Season Spike Bull Elk Tags : 15,000 quota
(up to 4,500 multi-season)

On Sale July 2025
Sold out in 2.3 weeks in 2024
Sold out in 3 weeks in 2023
Sold out in 8.8 hours in 2022

Sold out in 4.5 days after sale date in 2021
Sold out in 7.5 days after sale date in 2020

General Season Archery Any-Bull/Spike Elk Tags : Unlimited quota
On Sale Early July 2025

General Season 2nd Rifle Any-Bull Elk Tags : Unlimited quota
On Sale Mid July 2025

All Transactions Now Subject to a 2.2% Processing Fee
New Fee added July 1, 2024

Non-Refundable Fees
Non-Resident Hunting License
Youth (<18) Non-Resident Hunting License
Application Fee Per Species
Post Draw Fees (if successful)
Desert Bighorn Sheep
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
Rocky Mountain Goat
Limited-Entry Elk
Multiseason Limited-Entry Elk
General Bull/Spike Elk (adult or youth)
Multiseason General Spike Elk (adult or youth)
Premium Limited-Entry Buck Deer
Multiseason Premium Limited-Entry Buck Deer
Limited-Entry and Limited-Entry Management Buck Deer
Multiseason Limited-Entry Buck Deer
General Deer
General Deer Dedicated Hunter Program
General Deer Dedicated Hunter Program - Youth
General Deer Dedicated Hunter Program - Per hour
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep (ewe)
Cow Moose
Cow Elk
Doe Deer
Doe Antelope
Black Bear
Multiseason Black Bear
Apply for the Draw Apply for the Draw
License Purchase Hunting License/Permit Purchase
Regulation Guidebooks Utah DWR Guidebooks
Results Draw Results
General Season Deer General Deer Hunt Information
Odds Drawing Odds
State Agency Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Maps Hunt Unit Maps
Utah Hunting Season Dates 2025
Mule Deer/Pronghorn - Archery Aug 16 - Sept 12
General Elk - Spike Units Archery Aug 16 - Sept 5
General Elk - Any-Bull Units Archery Aug 16 - Sept 17
Limited Elk - Bull Elk Archery (Early) Aug 21 - Sept 17
Pronghorn - Rifle Sept 13 - Sept 21
Youth Any-Bull Elk Rifle Sept 13 - Sept 23
Limited Elk - Bull Elk Rifle (Early) Sept 17 - Sept 21
Limited Elk - Bull Elk Muzzleloader Sept 22 - Oct 3
Mule Deer/Pronghorn - Muzzleloader Sept 24 - Oct 2
Limited Elk - Bull Elk Rifle (Mid) Oct 4 - Oct 16
General Elk - Spike Units Rifle Oct 4 - Oct 16
General Elk - Any-Bull Units First Rifle Oct 4 - Oct 10
Mule Deer - Early Rifle Oct 8 - Oct 12
General Elk - Any-Bull Units Second Rifle Oct 11 - Oct 17
Mule Deer - Main Rifle Oct 18 - Oct 26
Mule Deer - Limited Late Muzzleloader Oct 29 - Nov 6
General Elk - All Units Muzzleloader Oct 29 - Nov 6
Limited Elk - Bull Elk Rifle (Late) Nov 8 - Nov 16
Limited Elk - Bull Elk Archery (Late) Nov 29 - Dec 14



Utah Hunting 2024

The 2024 Utah Big Game Application Guidebook will be available online in early February and at Division offices soon therafter. You may apply in Utah by visiting, clicking on the Hunting tab, and going to the "Permits and Drawings" section. You may also apply via telephone by calling any Division of Wildlife Resources office. The application timeframe for all big game species is March 21 through April 25, 2024. Drawing results will be posted by May 16th

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Utah Species Specific Information
Utah Elk Utah Deer Utah Mountain Goat
Utah Bighorn Sheep Utah Bison Utah Moose
Utah Pronghorn Antelope Available Utah Hunts (HF Adventures) Utah Mountain Lion | Utah Bear



Utah Big Game Applications

Non-residents can apply for all species, including limited-entry deer and general season deer. However, you may not apply for a permit and a bonus point for the same species. Up to four hunters can apply as a group for limited-entry deer, elk, and antelope hunts and general season deer hunts. Group applications are not permitted for management buck or once-in-a-­lifetime (OIL) species. Non-residents and residents can apply together in a group, but if there are no non-resident permits available for your selected hunts, the application will not be considered.

You must have a valid Utah hunting license to apply, and you can purchase one at the time you apply. Hunting licenses are valid for 365 days from the date of purchase. If you time your applications correctly, you could purchase one license and apply for two years. If you draw a permit, you do not need a current hunting license to hunt, but you will need one to apply. If you wish to modify or correct your application, you are required to withdraw your original application online and submit a new one prior to the deadline. You will be charged the non-refundable $15 application fee per species a second time in this scenario. You can modify or withdraw your online application at no additional cost until 11:00 p.m. MDT on April 25, 2024. If you plan to apply for bonus or preference points only, the deadline will be the same time as the anterless draw deadline on June 22, 2023.

Details of the Draw

Utah issues 50% of the limited-entry and once-in-a-lifetime permits to applicants with the maximum number of points who applied for that hunt. The other 50% are awarded randomly to the rest of the applicants who did not receive a bonus permit. Applicants in the random draw will have an extra chance in the draw for each bonus point accumulated over the years. The caveat is that if there is an odd number of permits available in the draw, the majority of permits will be awarded in the bonus draw to the maximum point holders. For example, if five permits are available, three of those permits will be issued in the bonus draw to the applicants with the most points and the remaining two permits will be issued in the random draw. Utah issues 10% of their draw permits to non-residents.

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General deer is a preference draw in which permits are awarded to max point applicants. The draw is conducted in the following sequence: deer (limited-entry), elk (limited-entry), antelope (limited-entry), OIL species (sheep, moose, mountain goat, and bison), youth general season deer, general season deer, and youth any bull elk. Understanding the order of the draw is critical. Due to the order in which permits are drawn, you won't be included in the drawing for a once-in-a-lifetime permit if you draw any of the following: limited-entry buck deer, bull elk, or buck antelope. The reason for this is that Utah does not allow you to possess two limited-­entry draw tags during the same year. Also, for deer, you cannot draw both a limited-entry tag and a general season tag. If you draw a limited-entry deer tag, your general deer application will not be considered, but you will still receive a preference point.


The waiting period for successful applicants for limited-entry deer is five years. The waiting period for successful applicants for limited-entry antelope is two years. The waiting period for limited-entry elk is five years. Bighorn sheep, bull moose, mountain goat, and bison are once-in-a-lifetime permits, regardless of harvest success.

Draw results will be emailed out on or before May 16, 2024. You can also find your draw results by logging into your account at where you applied or by calling 800-221-0659.

Utah Big Game Fees

Adults must purchase a $120 non­refundable non-resident hunting license to apply. The youth license is $34. The application fees are non-refundable and cost $16 for each species you apply for. You will not be charged the full cost of the permit unless you are successful in the draw.

Utah accepts American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa credit or debit cards. Credit cards used to apply in the big game draw must be valid through June 2024. To change the credit or debit card associated with your application, call 800-221-0659.

Utah Big Game Hunter Requirements

If you were born after December 31, 1965, you must have completed a hunter education course before you can apply for or obtain a hunting license or a big game permit. Proof is required in the field.

Utah has a Trial Hunting Program that allows anyone over the age of 12 to try hunting for a few years while accompanied by a licensed hunter who is over the age of 21 before taking a hunter education course. The program applies to hunts for many different species, including general season deer and elk. To sign up for the program or to learn more about it, visit

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If you're hunting in an area where a centerfire rifle hunt is occurring, you must wear a minimum of 400 square inches of hunter orange material on your head, chest, and back. A camouflage pattern in hunter orange meets this requirement. This does not apply to the archery seasons, muzzleloader seasons, or bighorn sheep, moose, mountain goat, or bison hunts.

All successful mountain goat applicants must complete an online orientation course before they will receive their hunting permit. You can find the course at after the draw in May.

Age Restrictions

Applicants must be 12 years old by December 31, 2024 to apply for and hunt in Utah. If you meet the age and hunter education requirements, you can apply for any big game permits, including limited-entry and once-in-a-­lifetime permits. A person under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a legal guardian or responsible person who is 21 or older.

Utah Big Game Point Structure

Utah has a bonus point system for limited-entry deer, elk, antelope, bison, mountain goat, moose, and both bighorn sheep species. Bonus points are species specific and are not transferable between species. The bonus point system is designed to increase the chances of drawing a permit. Every year that you apply and are unsuccessful, you will receive a bonus point for that species. You may also purchase points only. In essence, for each point you have, you are entered one additional time into the drawing.

Utah has a preference point system for general season deer. You are awarded a point for every year you apply and are unsuccessful in the draw, or you may purchase points only. This is a true preference point system where the applicants with the most points get the permits. If you draw any of your hunt choices, first through fifth, you will lose your preference points. In addition, the Division will only evaluate the first choice of max point holders before moving to applicants with the next highest point levels and so on. After everyone's first choice is considered, they will move to the second choice and will continue in this order all the way through the fifth choice.

Group applicants will have their points totaled, averaged, and rounded down to the whole number. A group application will be evaluated as a single application in the drawing. It is imperative that you take notice of the number of tags available for maximum point holders before applying. If there are only one or two tags available, do not apply with three or four individuals as there is no way to draw.

Utah Big Game Draw Odds

The draw odds we list are split into two categories - random (without respect to bonus points) and number of points needed to be considered in the preference draw in 2023. The random odds we list are computed by subtracting the permits given to people with the most points and then dividing the number of remaining applicants by the number of remaining permits. The number of points needed to draw column depicts the number of points it took last year to be considered in the preference draw. If there is only one permit available for a particular hunt, it will be issued randomly and there will not be a max point permit for that hunt. The random draw odds do not take into account how many bonus points any of the applicants have, thus they are not the true odds of drawing. This is to give you a relative idea of how hard a unit will be to draw. Each individual's odds of drawing are different, depending on their number of bonus points accumulated.

Youth Information

Eligible youth must turn 12 years old by December 31, 2024 and must be 17 years of age or younger on July 31st to apply as a youth for all big game permits. General season any bull elk permits (any legal weapon, muzzleloader, and multi-season) will be unlimited for youth hunters.

Twenty percent of Utah's general season buck deer permits are allocated to youth in the drawing. Youth who obtain a general season any legal weapon deer permit may also hunt during the archery and muzzleloader hunts. For youth hunters who are unsuccessful in the drawings, additional over-the-counter youth archery permits will be available in July 2024 at and from license agents and Division offices.

Youth can apply for a youth any bull permit. The youth any bull hunt takes place September 14-22 on any bull units only. This season is prior to the rifle general any bull hunt and is designed to give youth who draw a permit the chance to hunt with a rifle during the rut. Be aware, any bull units may be limited in the amount of public land, access, or elk populations. Up to four youth can apply together for youth any bull elk permits. For general season deer, up to four youth can apply to hunt together in a youth-only group application. It's important to note that if you want a youth to be considered for the 20% of general deer tags set aside for youth, do not apply them in a group with an adult.

Utah has a mentor program for youth ages 12-17 which allows a qualifying adult to mentor a resident youth during a hunt by sharing a big game permit. The mentor can be a non-resident, but they must accompany the minor. Both may carry weapons into the field, but only one animal may be harvested. For more information regarding the mentor program for youth, go to

Weapon Restrictions

Utah allows archers to use electronic rangefinding devices attached to their bows to hunt big game. Archery equipment may be used during any big game hunt, except a muzzleloader hunt, provided that the minimum bow pull is 30 pounds at the draw or the peak, and broadheads must have two or more sharp edges that cannot pass through a 7/8" ring. Expandable broadheads are legal. Draw lock devices and crossbows are not legal.

Utah will no longer allow a magnified scope on muzzleloader hunts (general or limited-entry). 1x scopes, red dots, open or peep sights are allowed. Muzzleloaders may be used during any big game hunt, except during archery season. In-line muzzleloaders are legal as well as the use of sabots. Nothing less than 40 caliber muzzleloaders may be used for big game animals. Check the regulations for other restrictions, such as bullet weights.

HAMSS stands for Handgun, Archery, Muzzleloader, Shotgun, Straight-Walled Rifle hunts. Handguns must not have a barrel over 15” in length, be under 24” in overall length, and may not have any fixed, detachable, or collapsible buttstock. Muzzleloaders can use centerfire primers and loose or pelletized black powder or black powder substitute. None of this equipment can be equipped with a scope of any kind.

Other Tag Opportunities

Utah has an extensive conservation permit program. Last year, over 300 conservation permits for a variety of species and hunts were auctioned off to the highest bidder by various conservation organizations. They also have a Statewide Conservation Permit, aka "Governor's tag," for each of Utah's game species. Conservation permits are available to residents and non-residents. It's anticipated that a similar amount will be available this year. For details on which organizations will have what permits and where they will be auctioned, visit our website at

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Utah will have Expo Permits that they will raffle off in 2024 at the Western Hunting Expo in Salt Lake City. There will be 200 permits that are available to apply for by going to, and each hunt application costs $5. In-person validation will be required this year. The Expo dates are February 15-18, 2024.

Utah has two systems in which they issue landowner tags. One system is the CWMU (Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit) program where landowners are given tags only for their property for deer, elk, antelope, and moose. Landowners have liberal seasons and can transfer these tags as desired. In exchange for these tags, landowners must let a certain number of resident hunters (through the draw) hunt on their land. In Utah's regulations, there is a list of CWMU operators with their respective phone numbers. Residents and non-residents are eligible to purchase hunts from CWMU operators, but only residents may draw a tag on a CWMU. Check out for several Endorsed Outfitters with hunts using CWMU tags. The second landowner tag system is where the state issues landowner permits to landowners and the holders of these transferable tags may hunt the entire unit during the prescribed season. 

Any remaining limited-entry permits will go on sale online or at any Division office at 8:oo a.m. MDT on a date set for July 2024 and all remaining general season buck deer and youth archery deer permits will go on sale on one week later. If you purchase any general season buck deer permit, you will lose all accrued preference points for general season buck deer.

If you turn in a poacher and the case goes to trial and/or leads to a conviction, you may receive a tag on that unit for that species the next year, depending on the case.


Successful applicants must surrender their permit 30 days prior to the hunt opening in order to have their points reinstated. However, they will not earn a bonus/preference point for that year's application. Utah will refund the cost of the limited-entry and once-in­a-lifetime permit so long as it is turned in 30 days prior to the hunt. If you apply in a group and draw limited-entry permits, all members of the group must surrender their permits at least 30 days before the season starts in order to have their bonus points reinstated. There are no refunds for general season permit surrender. The hunting license and application fees are non-refundable. Utah has a Hunter Mentoring Program which allows an adult to share (not transfer) big game permits with a resident minor.

Harvest Reporting

You must report your hunt information for any type of general season, limited-entry or once-in-a-lifetime hunt within 30 days of the end of the hunt. If you don't meet this requirement, you won't be allowed to apply the following year for once-in-a-lifetime, multi-season premium limited-entry, premium limited-entry, multi-season limited-entry, limited-entry, or management buck deer hunts or for bonus points. If you didn't submit your 2023 harvest survey questionnaire by the deadline, you can restore your eligibility to apply for a 2023 permit by paying a $50 late fee. For more information, call 800-221-0659.

Hunt Planning

Utah has an online Hunt Planner available at You can use the interactive map to add layers by species, units, walk-in access, landownership, and habitat.

You can also access Huntin' Fool's 3D mapping platform at Utah Forest Service and BLM maps can be ordered on line at


The Division cannot guarantee access to any private land. Utah has a walk-in access program where the Division has leased private land for hunting privileges for public recreation. For more information, go to or the previously noted Hunt Planner site.

Non-resident owners of ATVs, off-­highway motorcycles, or snowmobiles who bring them into Utah must obtain a non-resident permit for their machine. Some states offer reciprocity, meaning there is a mutual agreement between states not to charge non-residents fees. More information can be found at

Wolf Update

Utah recently passed their wolf management plan which doesn't allow for wolf recovery within the state at the current time. To view this plan, visit