From the moment you start a conversation with one of our experienced Hunt Advisors, it will be clear that we're interested in YOUR personal hunting goals. We accomplish that by being good listeners and asking the right questions so that we can truly offer a one-on-one, personalized consultation. In a perfect world, each of our hunt consultations would take place around a shared campfire with no distractions. To the extent that we can, we strive to replicate that with each and every conversation.
Hunting aspirations are very personal, and they tend to evolve over time. We recognize that even most hunting buddies have a slightly different take on what's important to them on each hunt. Unlike some services that make assumptions about why you hunt and what your goals are, we go out of our way to ask you what you're looking for in each experience that you talk to us about. Whether you're measuring success in pounds of meat, inches of antler, or memories made, we're here for it, and we're ready to help you get the most out of every hunt you plan.
Believe it or not, it's true. With a One-on-One or an All-Access Membership, you can reach out for hunt planning help as often as you like. No hunting related question is off limits. We help members with gear selection, application strategies, specific unit data, access questions, and so much more. While we aren't "on demand," we're as close to that as any consultation business can be, and we take great pride in the fact that we field thousands of questions every year on behalf of our members.
Our team of Hunt Advisors has had the privilege of seeing more sunrises and sunsets in remote places than most people will see in their lifetimes. We know that time in the field translates into the ability to help our members plan hunts even in units that we haven't personally hunted before because the odds are that we've hunted terrain and conditions that are virtually identical in the past. Our Hunt Advisors have more than 100 years of combined hunting experience that is mostly Do-It-Yourself on public lands. From backpacks to bicycles and horseback to bush planes, we've hunted in all seasons and weather conditions. That's why the odds are that when you call Huntin' Fool with a specific question, one or more of us will have had significant experience that can improve your learning curve on any given hunt.