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512 SE 25th Ave
Pratt, KS 67124-8174
App Deadlines
April 26
Results Posted
2024: May 23
2023: May 26
2022: June 10
2021: May 25
2020: May 21

2024 Non-Resident Fees

Applicants will have to front the tag fees, and, if unsuccessful, they will receive a refund for all but about $31 for the adult deer tag fee and about $25 for the youth deer tag.

*You must draw a whitetail tag before you can apply for a Mule Deer Stamp
Non-Refundable Up-Front Fees
Hunting License (adult)
Hunting License (youth under 16)
Application Fee (whitetail deer)
Points Only Option (whitetail deer)
Post Draw Fees (if successful)
Whitetail Deer Tag (adult)
Whitetail Deer Tag (youth under 16)
Mule Deer Stamp (optional, must be drawn)
Antelope Tag (archery adult, over-the-counter)
Antelope Tag (archery youth, over-the-counter)

Kansas Antelope & Deer Hunting 2024

Available Kansas Deer & Pronghorn Antelope Hunts --- Search HF Aventures

The 2023 Kansas non-resident deer and antelope permit applicant information will be available soon. You can go online and download the information at or call 620-672-5911. For Kansas, we mainly cover deer and briefly touch on antelope. The application period for deer in 2024 is April 1-26.

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Kansas Hunting Applications

Non-residents may apply online at Non-resident antlered permits are available through an online application only. The application includes a $27.50 non-refundable application fee for non-residents. Unsuccessful applicants will earn a preference point for the following year’s draw. The application deadline for nonresident antlered permits is April 26, 2024. Preference points remain on file for five years from the last date a point was issued or purchased. If an applicant fails to make at least one application or purchase one point within five consecutive years, all earned preference points will be reset to zero.

A non-resident must apply for the Mule Deer Stamp during the April application period. A non-resident who successfully draws an archery or muzzleloader whitetail deer permit in units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 17, or 18 and has applied for the Mule Deer Stamp will be entered into a draw for one of a limited number of Mule Deer Stamps. If drawn, the applicant’s whitetail deer archery or muzzleloader permit converts to an eitherspecies/either-sex archery or muzzleloader permit. Preference points do not count toward the Mule Deer Stamp draw.

Kansas Deer Season Dates

  • Archery | September 16 - December 31
  • General Youth and Disabled Hunt | September 7-15
  • Muzzleloader | September 16-29
  • General Firearms | December 4-15

Kansas Group Hunt

The group hunt application is to accommodate those who do not want to hunt unless their hunting partners draw also. Applicants (up to five) must apply for the same unit and the same weapon choice. Each person will submit an application, and there will be a question on the application about group hunts. The first applicant in the group to apply would select the Create Group Option on this question. This will create a group, and you will be given a group number. Each applicant applying after the group has been set up would select the Join Group Option and fill in the group number. Applicants will be asked at the time of application to select the choice of permit delivery (printed and mailed to applicant or electric delivery to the mobile app).

Details of the Kansas Draw

All four application choices will be considered before the next applicant is drawn. Applicants are able to apply for two adjacent units on each hunt choice. There is no waiting period in Kansas. The odds printed in this section are simple odds based on the amount of first choice applicants and the number of tags available.

Kansas Hunting Fees

All fees listed below will have an internet convenience fee added at the time of applying online for a permit or preference point. You will also need to purchase a nonresident hunting license, which is $127.50 for hunters 16 and over, or a junior hunt license, which is $42.50 for hunters 15 and younger.

$117.50 Non-Resident Youth Whitetail Deer Permit
  • Youth 15 and younger
  • Includes a $27.50 non-refundable application fee
$477.50 Non-Resident Whitetail Deer Permit
  • 16 and older
  • Includes a $27.50 non-refundable application fee
2024 Kansas Non-Resident Fees
Up-Front Fees
Adult Hunting License $127.50
Junior Hunting License (15 and Younger) $42.50
Adult Whitetail Deer Permit $477.50
Youth Whitetail Deer Permit (15 and Younger) $117.50
Archery Antelope Permit $302.50
Youth Archery Antelope Permit (15 and Younger) $102.50
Mule Deer Stamp (Optional, Must Be Drawn) $150.00
Preference Point Only (Whitetail Deer) $27.50


Kansas Youth Permits (15 and younger)

Reduced price youth permits are valid for the seasons specified on the permit. In addition, they are valid during the September youth/disabled season. During the youth season, hunters 17 and younger may hunt under adult supervision. However, hunters who are 16 and older are not eligible for the youth-priced permits.

Non-Resident Hunt-Own-Land Deer Permit

$87.50 Non-Resident Hunt-Own-Land Deer Permit

This is available to non-resident individuals who qualify as Kansas landowners. The permit is valid for any whitetail or mule deer only on land owned or operated by the nonresident landowner, during muzzleloader-only, archery, and firearm seasons using equipment legal for that season. This is available at vendor locations or online August 2-December 31.

$42.50 Special Hunt-Own-Land Relative Deer Permit

This is available to individuals who qualify as lineal ascendants or descendants or siblings of resident landowners or all tenants and spouses of a qualifying landowner. The permit is valid for any whitetail or mule deer only on land owned or operated by a landowner or tenant during muzzleloader-only, archery, and firearm seasons using equipment legal for that season. Lineal relatives include direct ascendants or descendants such as a grandfather, mother, son, or granddaughter. Cousins, uncles, or nieces are not lineal family members. You would also need to purchase an annual hunting license. This is available at vendor locations or online August 2-Dececember 31.

Kansas Point Structure

Kansas is a true preference point state. Hunters with the most points will be awarded the permits. Preference points are only awarded for whitetail deer. There is no point system for mule deer. Points will be purged if an application is not submitted for five consecutive years.

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Kansas Weapon Restrictions

Firearm permit holders may hunt with any legal equipment during the firearm season. Muzzleloader permit holders may only hunt with muzzleloading or archery equipment during the muzzleloader and firearm seasons. Archery permit holders may only use archery equipment during the archery season, even during days that overlap the muzzleloader or regular firearm season.

Legal firearms include centerfire rifles and handguns that are not fully automatic, using only hard-cast solid lead, soft point, hollow point, tumble-on-impact, or other expanding bullets and any gauge shotgun using only slugs.

Legal muzzleloaders include rifles, pistols, or muskets that can be loaded with bullets only through the front of the firing chamber and that fire a bullet of .40 inches in diameter or larger using hard-cast solid lead, conical lead, saboted, or tumble-on-impact bullets. Magnifying scopes may be used.

Legal archery equipment includes longbows, recurve bows, compound bows, and crossbows. No bow, crossbow, or arrow may have any electronic device attached that controls the flight of the arrow. Devices that may be attached to a bow or arrow shall include lighted pin, dot, or holographic sights; illuminated nocks; rangefinders; film or video cameras; radiofrequency location devices; and draw-lock devices. Arrows used for hunting big game must be equipped with broadhead points that when fully expanded cannot pass through a ring 3/4-inch in diameter. Non-broadhead arrows may be possessed while hunting but may not be used to take big game. Devices capable of dispensing chemicals may not be used.

Lures, decoys, and non-electric calls may be used while hunting big game. Hunters may use blinds and stands. Rangefinding devices and optical scopes or sights that project no visible light toward the target and do not electronically amplify visible or infrared light may be used. Horses and mules shall not be used for herding or driving big game. Firearm report-suppression devices may be used with proper permits. Handguns may be possessed during all big game seasons. However, only handguns specified as legal equipment for firearms or muzzleloader seasons may be used for big game hunting. Ethical hunters select equipment most effective for their capabilities, the game they hunt, and the style of hunting they prefer. Hunters should consider muzzle velocity, kinetic energy, bullet type, recoil, and accuracy when selecting equipment that is adequate for the game hunted.

Public Land Hunting in Kansas

Kansas is known for its private land hunting, but it also has some great public land and WIHA land to hunt. You can find the complete online map for all WIHA hunting land in Kansas at

Kansas Harvest Reporting

There is no mandatory harvest reporting in Kansas.

Hunt Planning in Kansas

Go to to find different hunting atlases for walk-in areas, deer management hunt zones, etc.


The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism publishes a booklet of walk-in areas. The booklet is updated every year with the current areas in the program and will be available in August/September.

Locating Big game Animals With Dogs in Kansas

Dogs may be used to locate dead or wounded big game animals with the following restrictions: each dog shall be maintained on a handheld leash at all times, an individual tracking big game animals outside of legal shooting hours shall not carry equipment capable of harvesting the big game animal, and each individual harvesting a big game animal shall be limited to the equipment type for the permit and season that is authorized. Each individual participating in the tracking of a big game animal shall have a hunting licence, unless the individual is exempt by law. To find individuals with trained blood tracking dogs, go to

Blinds and Stands on Public Lands and WIHA

Blinds and stands may be used on Department lands, subject to posted requirements and under the following conditions: (1) stands may not be placed more than 14 days prior to the season and shall be removed within 14 days of the close of the season; (2) ladders, screw-in metal steps, and steps attached by ropes, cables, or chains may be used to access stands and must be removed with the stand; (3) natural blinds may be used and shall be constructed of natural herbaceous materials or woody debris present on site; (4) any person may use these stands if not occupied; (5) only two portable blinds or stands per Department-owned or managed area are allowed per hunter; (6) portable blinds and stands must be marked with the owner’s name and address or KDWP number; (7) portable blinds may not be left unattached overnight; and (8) any stand not conforming to the requirements may be removed or destroyed by Department staff.

Non-Resident Landowner

A non-resident landowner is any nonresident who owns 80 acres or more of Kansas farm or ranch land. To qualify as a non-resident landowner, a person must own farm or ranch land in simple ownership with their name on the deed. Property held in a trust, LLC, partnership, or other legal entity is owned by that legal entity. Permits on properties owned by a legal entity are available only to tenants who either farm at least 80 acres or manage an 80-acre or larger farm that produces an agricultural commodity such as crops or cattle. Serving as a board member, trustee, non-managing partner, or other such position does not qualify a person for a Kansas landowner deer permit. For details, call 620- 672-5911 and ask for Law Enforcement.

Feeding the Hungry

Kansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry (KSHFH) invites you to donate any legally harvested deer or elk to their participating meat processors. There is no cost to donate your deer or elk as long as the KSHFH organization has sufficient funding to cover the processing expense. Donated game must be field dressed and legally tagged. You may also donate a portion of the meat you are having processed for yourself to a participating processor.

Kansas Deer Management

Harvesting female deer is the most effective way to control deer where deer numbers exceed people’s tolerance due to damages or disturbances they may cause. Hunting may also be used to control deer problems and maintain a population that habitat supports. Deer adapt to hunting pressure and find areas where they can evade hunters. In some cases, those areas are created because a particular landowner desires to restrict or prohibit hunter access. Protected areas serve as refuges and may result in future herd increases and higher deer damage on adjacent or other properties where protected deer spend time when hunting season is closed. Landowners have several options for controlling deer on their property: allow or increase hunting, encourage hunters to harvest antlerless deer, contact KDWP at 620-672-5911 for the hunter referral list, or apply for deer control permits that may be used when damage occurs while normal hunting seasons are closed.


Kansas offers excellent opportunities for hunting big whitetail deer, with well-managed private land being the key to success. While tags for whitetail are still accessible, they have become more competitive over the years. The eastern side of the state, along the Missouri border, boasts the highest density of whitetail deer. Hunters who secure spots with outfitters have good chances of bagging 150"+ bucks.

Additionally, Kansas is known for its great mule deer hunting, although tags are more challenging to draw. The highest populations of mule deer are found along the western side of the state, particularly along the Colorado border. The mature bucks typically range from 160-170", with occasional giants exceeding 200".

Consult with Hunters Who Have Hunted in Your Unit, Join Now!

Kansas employs a unique tag system, allowing successful applicants in one zone to hunt an adjacent zone with their permit, increasing opportunities for hunters. However, the state is predominantly private land with limited public hunting areas such as State Wildlife Areas and the Walk-In Hunter Access program.

For non-residents, Kansas offers over-the-counter archery antelope permits at a cost of $302.50. Units 2, 17, and 18 have antelope hunting available, with the highest population in unit 2. Typically, harvest success on this hunt is 10%-12% with mostly small to average bucks being harvested. Non-residents are not eligible to apply for rifle or muzzleloader antelope permits.

Kansas offers excellent opportunities for harvesting mature whitetail deer, particularly during the rut in November. Archery hunters have the best chance at tagging a big buck during this time. While big deer can be found on public land, the majority are harvested on private land. Hiring an outfitter is recommended, but they often book a year in advance. If private land access isn’t available, hunters can explore State Wildlife Areas (SWA) or the Walk-In Hunter Access (WIHA) program. These options are mainly on the western side of the state. It’s essential to be familiar with the rules of these programs before going on your hunt. These can be found at If you have any questions about Kansas, call us at 435-865-1020.

Self Guided DIY Kansas Antelope & Deer Hunts

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Private Land, Semi-Guided, and Guided Antelope & Deer Hunts in Kansas

Search our database of Kansas Antelope & Deer opportunities.


Application Dates for Antelope & Deer in Kansas

The Kansas non-resident deer application deadline is April 26, 2024.

Our online/print magazine has everything in one location: Application info, draw details and odds, fees, hunter requirements, point structure, age restrictions, youth information, weapon restrictions, other tag opportunities, hunt planning and much more. If you would like access to all of our research join today!