Available Wyoming Elk Hunts --- Search HF Aventures
Wyoming offers elk hunters many diverse hunt opportunities to choose from that include a wide range of season dates, weapon choices, physicality, and trophy/opportunity potential. Wyoming is a great state for anyone looking for a quality elk hunting experience. Elk numbers are great throughout the state with many units over objective, and as usual, a handful of 350-380"+ bulls were taken again in 2023. The elk range in Wyoming varies from its desert lowlands and rolling sagebrush country to high elevation mountain basins above timberline. It offers the best mix of quality and quantity of any western state. While not likely to turn out as many giant bulls as some states, it is a solid option for a mature bull and a fun hunt.
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Eighteen years ago, Wyoming started a modified preference point system for nonresidents. This system is great if you got into it early. Unfortunately, like Wyoming’s sheep and moose point creep, its elk point creep isn’t much better. In 2023, less than 75 elk permits were awarded in the preference draw to maximum point holders. With over 750 non-residents still sitting on max points going into the 2024 draw, you’re in for a long wait to catch a max point unit if you’re even one point under max. If you don’t have max points and you only want to hunt the best areas, make sure you are applying in an area that has random licenses.
For the self-guided hunter, Wyoming has tons of public land. Unfortunately, non-residents are not allowed to hunt in the wilderness without a guide or a Wyoming resident who is willing to accompany them. If you have a resident who is willing to hunt with you and you have access to horses, the possibilities are endless.
The general elk license is a great choice for someone who does not have many points, but it is starting to see more point creep every year. In 2023, the draw odds were 13% in the random draw and 9% with 4 points in the regular draw. The odds were 9% in the random draw and 29% with 4 points in the special draw. Given the average rate of point creep that we’ve seen over the past few years on the general elk license, do not expect to be drawn in the regular draw with less than 5 points in 2024. With the price increase in the special draw for 2024, the odds should increase some as many hunters are not willing to pay $1,965 for an elk license. If drawn, this license provides a chance to hunt a variety of units depending on which region you have drawn. If you are looking for more information on the most successful general elk hunts, check out our “Opportunity Hunts” section for more information on the new regions.
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For bowhunters, you can apply for the available type 9 archery-only hunts or draw a type 1 or 2 license and purchase the $72 archery license and, in most cases, hunt the archery season. If unsuccessful, you can return during the rifle season. Not all type 1 rifle units give you the archery option, so check the regulations before applying. Wyoming is a state that allows hunters to use a crossbow during the archery season. If you’re not a bowhunter but want to experience the elk rut and extend your season, you should try hunting with a crossbow.
The units surrounding Yellowstone National Park in Northwest Wyoming regularly produce some of the state’s biggest bulls. These units are 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, and 63/64. The later rifle hunts in some of these areas can be much better with early snowfall to push some of the bigger bulls these areas are known for out of the backcountry. October snowfall in 2023 got the migration started, and some great bulls were harvested in these areas. Prior to this last year, we had not seen much for migration until the majority of the hunts were closed. If you can time the migration right in these northwestern units, there are some trophy quality bulls to be hunt. There will always be some great bulls in these units due to Yellowstone Park and the difficulty of accessing and hunting these areas. Keep in mind that most of these units have wolves, grizzly bears, and wilderness areas. Due to grizzly bears, a lot of hunters don’t want to hunt these units. These units also have a lot of wilderness that can limit self-guided nonresident hunts. If you have a friend who is a Wyoming resident and has horses, you should probably be taking a hard look at these areas.
Units 22, 30, 31, 32, 100, 111, and 124 are extremely popular due to all of the public land and lack of wilderness areas. These units are managed to produce better bulls by offering fewer licenses. As usual, due to the public access and number of good bulls, these licenses went to max point holders in 2023. Of these units, only 22, 30, 100, and 124 had random tags in 2023. For hunters willing to work at navigating public access around private land or who are willing to hunt private land by hiring an outfitter, there are some good hunts that are typically drawn with less than max points. Units like 7, 16, 19, 23, 34, 111, 118, 120, and 122 have some great bulls, but they also have a lot of private land to work around. Units 113 and 123 are expected to be closed to bull hunting in 2024.
Some of the units within the Bighorn Mountains, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, and 45, have a great mix of opportunity, access, no wolves or grizzlies, and quality for a self-guided hunter who is not sitting on max points. Hunters are going to have to work hard in these units to be successful as there are a lot of licenses issued. The quality of bulls has remained consistent in the Bighorns over the past several years, so hunters can expect to have a chance at a mature bull if they hunt hard and hopefully have a little luck on their side. During rifle season in the Bighorns, you can expect to see a lot of hunters unless you are in the wilderness areas. Units 35, 41, and 45 all have some wilderness areas. Bighorn units continue to be over objective for elk.
If you have any questions about Wyoming elk hunting, don’t hesitate to give us a call.
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The application deadline for non-resident elk is 11:59 p.m. MST on January 31, 2024.
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(Fees do not include the $15 non-refundable application fee or the 2.5% processing fee on the total transaction amount.) |
Youth | Regular | Special | Youth | Regular | |
Elk | $290 | $707 | $1,965 | $10 | $52 |
Wyoming Elk Hunting Articles from Huntin' Fool Magazine