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Trophy Alaska Peninsula Moose

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Season Dates:
Alaska Yukon Moose
Guide Ratio:
1 on 1
Alaska, United States of America
Archery, Muzzleloader, Rifle
Trip Methods:
Airplane, Calling, Spot and Stalk
11 Days
Moderate Difficult
Mountain Tents, Wall Tent
Trip Units:
Alaska Peninsula

The Alaska Peninsula is a special place to hunt for large moose. Here we have an outfitter that produces the type of bulls this region of Alaska is known for. For 11 days each fall, from 15-25 September, you can find members of this team calling and glassing big bull moose from proven hills and ridges within their sole Guide Use Area on federal lands where this Outfitter has been operating since the 1970s. With the proper conditions you can see the bulls responding to the call for up to a mile or more. Patience is the key on these hunts as hunters don’t book with this outfitter for a chance at something mediocre, getting the right bull to respond to call can take time. Days spent watching fantastic moose habitat should be enjoyed while you observe distant rutting bulls as they transition through the landscape searching for cows. Seeing a fully mature 60+ inch bull change course and head to your calls is something every outdoorsman should witness. With years of experience and success in this region, the outfitter has maintained a 60+" average on mature bulls with many going much larger, high 60s and even 70" being a possibility.

Hunters will be responsible for a $3,000 charter fee from the city of King Salmon to camp and return.

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Field Preparation of Trophies, Lodging, Meals
Charter Flight(s), Gratuities, License, Tag(s)

Option #1

$35,000.00 11 Days 1 on 1
$3,000 charter fee from King Salmon to base camp and return.