One of the best sayings of all time is “Time flies when you are having fun.” I would probably add that time also flies when you’re busy. This is most likely why when you’re busy having fun in fall it seems like you blink and it’s over. Hopefully all of you had an amazing fall, and even though time flew by, you got to soak it in while it lasted.
When I look forward to 2024 application and hunting season, one thing keeps coming to mind, change. Wyoming made some pretty big changes to general elk by dividing the state into regions like deer for non- resident hunting. They also drastically increased non-resident tag fees across the board for all species. These changes will undoubtably affect draw odds, and trying to predict how many points it will require to draw a tag in these new elk regions and any special draw tag will be a guess at best. We will cover these changes in this issue, but this is just an example of what is to come each and every month. There are big changes coming in multiple states this year that will affect the draw for non-residents, so it will be important to review any state you are applying for not only this year but in the future as well.
One thing I have learned is that when states make changes, it always has unforeseen consequences down the road. Sometimes it can be good, but most of the time, they are not. Dissecting these changes to try and look at them from all angles could be the difference in drawing a tag now versus possibly being shut out for a long time. Sometimes changes could be beneficial in the long run and possibly holding tight and burning your points would be the correct play. This is one part of my job I enjoy. I love to think about my next move and with the points I have what should or could I do to maximize my opportunities. The fun part is coming up with a hypothesis for these changes and seeing how everything plays out.
For the next six months, we will be getting the most up-to-date information and will pass all of that information along to our members. I encourage all of you to take advantage of our One-on-One or All- Access memberships and give us a call. We can help you make sense of any changes or just develop an application strategy for the future. Best of luck to all of you in this year’s application season, and let the games begin!