If you’re like me, you use a small handful of mapping resources and applications to help you have a successful hunting season. However, as the season progresses, I get pretty sloppy with my data organization. I start off really well, but as I continue to eScout by myself or with friends, I get behind. During certain hunts and the season, I have buddies who will shoot me locations and share waypoints of animals they have seen during their in-field scouting. I’m usually out in the field or at camp by myself and don’t think about organizing these into folders. I’m sure this is an issue for most of us. Finding that happy medium during the season is key, but it doesn’t always happen.
As we set out to build our 3D Hunt Planner, we knew that data organization was key in making a waypoint management system to support users. During development, we knew what we wanted it to do, but it didn’t flourish into what it is today without the help of our Hunt Advisors. It was a work in progress. Our first draft was a poor excuse to get something to work with. We soon found out that we had to put a lot of custom time and development into it. We are happy with what Version 2 of our 3D Hunt Planner allows us to do.
Our Data Management System allows you to group and organize your waypoints and paths/lines with titles, descriptions, icons, colors, locations, and much more. You can also move your data from one folder to another. It’s really that easy. So if you’re like me, know that you can clean all that up in your post-season data organization eScouting recap sessions.
I enjoy the post-season eScouting recap. Without being rushed, I have the opportunity to review and organize my data points collected throughout the season. The hard part is trying to figure out why or what that waypoint is. If you haven’t had the opportunity to save and organize your own waypoints or paths/lines, do it. If you run into issues, check out some of the 3D Mapping Minutes on our YouTube page.
We are always finding ways to enhance our Data Management System. As always, happy mapping!