HF Staff Remarks: In 2014, I met MTN OPS co-owner Casey Harbertson on a spring bear hunt in Montana. Shortly after that trip, he sent me some samples of their first supplement, Yeti, to test out. I was blown away by the results and became an early adopter of the whole MTN OPS line. For the past four years, MTN OPS has been my go-to for supplements to fuel me on all of my hunts and help with my overall health. Amazing results paralleled by great relationships with the MTN OPS team have brought me to be a lifetime supporter. – Isaiah Joner
Health and hunting are two words that seem like they probably don’t belong together, but I can reassure you that the two go hand in hand. Some say that health, fitness, and supplements in the hunting space are a fad, while others say it’s not necessary and “my great-grandpa didn’t workout to kill big deer.” Yes, but your grandpa also didn’t rock $5,000 worth of hunting gear every time he hit the hills. Bear with me here as I promise you’ll walk away from reading this article with the desire to improve your life.
As I dive into the discussion of how health and hunting perfectly coincide, I’d invite you to take a step back, remove any preconceived negative views or mindsets about health in the hunting world, and ask yourself one simple question, “Is my health important to me?” This is a pretty easy question, but really think about it. I’m sure there are a few out there who will say no, but I know that without a doubt that any individual reading this article has a family that’s important to them. They have parents, maybe siblings, possibly a wife, and even kids of their own. Are those important to you? They should be. If they are, then you have already answered yes. That’s a good thing.
I mention this small example for the simple purpose of hoping to help people realize that their health and wellness are important. Some of us discover this at a young age, while others find out later on in life. Either way, I truly believe that at one point or another we realize the importance of being healthy and have the desire be healthier to improve and elevate every single aspect of our lives, hunting included.
I feel fortunate that I figured this out early on in life and am committed to keeping my health a priority. I have an incredibly strong passion for spending time outdoors, and I’m willing to put in the time now to ensure a long and enjoyable future of hunting, fishing, and doing the things I love. If you’re further along in life’s journey, don't think that it’s too late to start. There’s no time like the present to improve, and we can all do better when it comes to our health.
For me, being healthy has nothing to do with how much I bench press, how big my biceps are, or how fast I can run a mile. It has everything to do with me feeling better and having energy to work hard each day. When I’m fortunate to get outdoors, I never have to wonder what’s on the other side of the next ridge. Why? Because I can get there, and you can too if you commit to finding a way to improve every day. One of my favorite quotes that is applicable to every facet of our lives is, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so put your excuses aside and start today.
How do you start? That’s the million dollar question. In my opinion, your health is based on making good choices. Diet, exercise, and proper supplementation create the “Triangle of Health.” Each one is just as important as the other, and they all rely on one another to succeed. There’s no denying that you can improve by just exercising and using supplements, but your success can be that much greater by applying all three. I can personally attest to that.
My personal testimony of the importance of the “Triangle of Health” comes from having lived in a way that I can see and feel the benefits of having that proper balance between my diet, exercise, and supplementation. Fortunately for me, I’ve also been able to make my passion for health and wellness a career and am living my dream as an employee of MTN OPS. At MTN OPS, our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families through quality health supplements and education. We have a very diverse product line, ranging from cardio boosters to meal replacements, muscle recovery, and more. Each product has been scientifically formulated and created with the outdoor enthusiast in mind. When creating a product, we ask ourselves how this is going to improve someone’s health so they can enjoy being outside, doing what they love. Every product we offer does just that – it helps you perform and improve. Whether you’re packing in for a five-day deer hunt in Wyoming or enjoying following your bird dogs through the CRP chasing long tails, we have a product for you. We truly believe that our products can help you hike harder, feel stronger, and improve your experience in the field.
If there’s anything to take away from this article, it’s that your health is important and it’s based on the choices you make each day. If you have goals and need help reaching them, I’d invite you to reach out to us at MTNOPS.com and let us help you become the best, healthiest version of yourself.