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April 2018
Story by Tommy Houck
State: South Dakota
Species: Antelope - Pronghorn

For the past few years when it has come to hunting, my kids have always come first. Whether it be goats or deer, no adults carried their rifle or bow until the kids were done. My kids are finally adults, and they decided it was time for old dad to get a shot at a good goat for once. I tried to kill him many times with my bow, but he had 25 does with him. That's a lot of eyes to get by. I had some close encounters, but he always seemed to just keep out of range or his girls kept him safe.


Opening weekend had me helping a friend with his archery elk tag in the Black Hills. We had no luck, but there were a lot of close calls and it was a lot of fun. My son finally talked me into skipping a little work on Wednesday to see if we could find the goat. After a few hours of glassing, we finally located his herd and were off to the races. There were a few problems with the cows and calves blowing our stalks. They moved out of the pasture with the cows and into some hills where we could crawl up on them. A short 325 yard shot and my biggest antelope was on the ground. He was 13 3/4" in length on both sides and 20" tip to tip. I still haven’t been able to shoot a 15" antelope yet, but I’ll take him any day and I got to do it all with my son!

South Dakota Antelope