At around 8:45 a.m., we decided it would be a good time to get out of the blind and stretch for a minute. Mike peeked over the hill to the west of the blind and started jibber-jabbing something like, “It’s him! He’s coming!” We rushed into the blind, and I got into a comfortable position to shoot. I looked up and could see his horns just above some bushes. I began to shake uncontrollably. This was the buck I had told everybody I wanted. He was within bow range. He started to walk toward us again, and I ranged him just as his whole body came into view. 40 yards. I set the rangefinder down, and as I came to full draw, he must have caught movement. He stopped and stared right at us! I tried as best as I could to settle my shaky pin on his vitals and released. He ducked and turned as soon as I shot, but I still hit him pretty good. I noticed blood immediately and felt pretty confident we had just got “Bevo.”
After a few minutes, we stepped out of the blind and went to where he had been standing. We found a ton of blood and started to follow it over the hill. As we crested the hill, Bevo was lying only 80 yards out. He was down. We couldn’t believe how it had all taken place. The hunt was just too perfect.
I want to thank my brother, Luke, and my friend, Mike, for coming out that day and sharing that hunt with me. It’s a hunt I’ll never forget. Hopefully I’ll have many more antelope hunts to come.