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New Trail Camera Season for Utah Hunters

February 2022
Author: Austin Atkinson

Last year, it was a ban on the baiting of big game for hunting, and this year has already kicked off in a big way with a season put in place for trail camera use by hunters. While it may not seem like a big deal, it is important to be aware of the new regulations that may affect you and any potential outfitter you hire this season.

The Wildlife Board met in Farmington, Utah on January 4, 2022 to hear public comment and make a final decision on the recommendation from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. While the Division only recommended to place a use season on transmitting (cellular) trail cameras, the Board ultimately decided by a 4:3 vote to place the use season on all trail cameras. This ban will include all cameras capable of capturing, storing, and/or sending an image and prohibits their use on public and private lands for hunting purposes beginning July 31st through December 31st annually. Hunting purposes can be defined as any attempt to locate wildlife with intention to take, aid in the take, or to take wildlife with the use of trail camera images and/or data.

While this certainly has created a stir in the public arena by supporters and non-supporters, the law will be in effect by summer 2022. The season will allow the use of any trail camera to locate game and/or hunt big game from January 1st through July 30th each year. Those wanting to use cameras to scout and locate game animals during the spring and summer will be able to continue to do so.

At the same January meeting, the Board also voted to modify a few other weapon restrictions. It was defined that a muzzleloader must have the bullet and powder loaded through the muzzle to be legal. Also, the use of night vision and thermal imaging devices are no longer allowed to be used beginning 48 hours before the opening of any big game season on the unit until 48 hours after the big game season ends.