When hunting out west, frost-covered mornings often turn into hot, sunny afternoons. In whitetail country, cold mornings can turn into cold sits without proper layering. Long johns are a no-brainer for both situations, but with temp swings or long distances to the stand, the hunter often finds himself overheating halfway through the morning’s walk. Taking base layers off on the hill or before climbing the ladder involves taking off boots, dancing out of pants, shedding long johns, and then replacing the pants and shoes. First Lite’s new Zip Off Long Johns solve this problem by allowing the mountain or hardwoods hunter to shed base layers
without consternation.
Embedded with 37.5 Technology, the Aerowool Fuse 200 fabric is best utilized by the late-season, on-the- move hunter who demands comfort, breathability, and moisture management while actively pursuing game in frigid conditions. Built for versatility, the Fuse Zip Off Boot Top Long John is also a viable option for the stationary hunter who needs a mildly insulating base layer to maintain warmth during cool, but not bone- chilling, days in the stand or behind the blind.
The Zip Off feature is also available in our Kiln Long John and Furnace Boot Top base layers.
MSRP: $95 (solids), $105 (camo)
For more information, go to www.firstlite.com.