When you will only accept the absolute best in regard to performance and reliability, look no further than the Bakcou Jager models. We have taken two bikes that in themselves are incredible and somehow made them even better. Building a bike with a Rohloff Speed Hub means that there are less elements exposed and thus less chance of a mechanical issue when out deep in the backcountry. The Rohloff hub has 14 different gears, allowing the high gears to speed through flats, while the low gears allow you to climb up steep hills, even with a full trailer. Internal gear hubs like the Rohloff allow you to switch gears without pedaling and require less maintenance than a traditional derailleur system. The Jager models add that something extra to our Storm and Mule models that you didn’t even know you needed but will absolutely love having.
MSRP: Jager Mule - $7,646; Jager Storm - $8,646
For more information, go to www.bakcou.com.