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December 2019
Author: Stanton Upson

The time to start thinking about your application strategy is now! It’s also time to reflect on the years past and to look forward to bigger and better things. Our Hunt Advisors are looking at past years’ data and looking forward to helping our members with their application strategies for bigger and better hunts. Each year, we dedicate hundreds of hours to research, talking to biologists, outfitters, and our members to help us put our state sections together. Member feedback is one of the biggest research tools we have. Not only do we love hearing about and seeing your success, it’s also important for us to hear about the things that didn’t go right. Be sure to keep us in the loop on all of your hunting endeavors.

Your stories and photos help us fill the pages of our magazine. As all of the stories of success start coming in, we spend countless hours looking over the photos and sharing in the smiles and excitement on our members’ faces. Don’t forget to send us your 2019 harvest success stories and photos so we can share in your success and share it with the rest of the Huntin’ Fool community.

Now, as you start to think about your 2020 application strategy and if you’re looking to get some help with it, make sure you go with a trusted source. This time of year is when you begin to see “hunting experts” pop up left and right, offering to provide you with in-depth information or claiming to draw you more tags. There are a few small application services around the industry doing the right thing as well as a few big companies, but be cautious who you put your trust and years of applying in. It doesn't take anything more than an annual subscription to Huntin’ Fool, a flashy website, and a following on social media to make someone an “expert” these days. If you want to ensure your applications are done right, sign up for our Application Service. We are proud to provide our members with a trusted application service. Our License Application team is comprised of dedicated individuals who genuinely care about correctness and your years of investment, sometimes even more than you do! Our License Application Service has been helping customers for more than 20 years, and the Hunt Advisors and Application Specialists work tightly together to make sure you are applied for the best units for your points and trophy expectations. You can trust us to get your applications in correctly and on time. If you haven’t already, give our License Application Service a try. Let us be your #1 trusted source for hunting applications and research.

If you have any questions regarding your application strategy, give us a call and allow us to help tailor a strategy to your wants and needs. We have helped numerous clients draw multiple tags over the years, and you can see some of those successes in the photos featured here. Let us help you be featured here next year!