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June 2019

The definition of what a high-end, long-range laser rangefinder should be, the Razor HD 4000 delivers cutting edge optical and ranging performance, giving hunters and shooters distance data needed to execute even the most demanding shots. Impressive 4,000-yard reflective ranging capability (ELR mode) reaches way out to grab range readings with extreme precision. Premium HD optics provide crystal-clear view, while 7x magnification brings subjects in close for better target identification and more accurate ranging.

The ultraclean, illuminated display delivers lightning-fast readouts and is easily picked up by the user's eye. Three settings match user needs for optimal performance - HCD (Horizontal Component Distance), LOS (Line of Sight), and Scan Mode. Four ranging modes accommodate situational-specific scenarious - Normal Mode, First Mode, Last Mode, and ELR (Extended Laser Range) Mode. Strategically placed rubbor armor over the lightweight magnesium housing provides durability and a solid grip in all weather conditions.

MSRP: $729.99

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