This outfitter operates on the borders of one of New Mexico's famed Indian Reservations for some of the best elk hunting found in the state. The area consistently produces bulls in the 280” to 320” class. As a 1 on 1 guided hunt this outfitter has assured us that every client has the best hunt possible within their control. The elevations vary between 6,000 feet up to 11,000 feet, with a wide variety of cover from thick pinion juniper and open meadows in the lower country, to tall pine and aspen in the high country. This outfitters guides are believed to be second to none when it comes to knowing the country and where the elk tend to frequent most.
There are two ways that you can get an elk tag to hunt with this outfitter. One is through the draw system where non-residents are guaranteed a percentage of the elk tags available if you apply with an outfitter, and our License Application Service can handle this process for you to ensure that you’re applied for the proper unit, weapon, and with the correct outfitter. The other way is to purchase a guaranteed landowner tag which the outfitter does have available, and this will guarantee you an elk tag.
Muzzleloader hunts take place during the post-rut and has become one of the favorites for those who like the advantage of distance and still some bugling action. It is still a challenging hunt, and spot and stalk is used, combined with calling the bulls in close.
Rifle hunts take place after all the rutting action is over for the most part. You will still find some bulls with cows, but bugling action is almost over. This is still a great hunt for those of who like to test some long range shooting. Spot and stalk is the method on most of the rifle elk hunts. If you’re lucky enough to draw an elk tag, if you purchase a guaranteed landowner tag, or this outfitter has a guaranteed landowner tag, this outfitter is a great option to consider for hunting elk in New Mexico.
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