2017 was a great year to hunt! I had just completed my hunter safety class over the summer and was ready for deer season. Dad helped me prepare almost every day. We had pictures of a monster buck and a big 3-point on the trail cam the week of deer season. I could hardly wait for deer season to open.
Once the day finally arrived, I knew we were prepared for everything. When I woke up that morning, I was super excited. Dad and I walked into the canyon where we had seen the big buck the most. It seemed like we were only there for 15 minutes when we saw him walk out of the trees. Dad said to let him come a little bit closer. He walked about eight yards closer and stood broadside. I put my gun on him and shot. The buck went up the draw a little bit and tipped over. When I saw him fall down, I could not believe it!
This hunting season was unforgettable. I was very lucky to have my dad and my uncle with me.