This HFA Endorsed Outfitter has been in the industry for over 15 years. Their area is approx. 3300 sq. miles and is considered to be one of the best hunting areas in all of Canada. With little resident hunting pressure to 95% of the outfitter concession, it remains country that is remote and untouched, with no riverboat access as well. This makes for a great experience for clients, and everything has to be flown in via floatplane or long horse pack trains doing the off-season and during hunts (when applicable). There are approximately 70 Lakes (lots of which have great fishing), 1 River, which offers floatplane access, and they have established camps throughout their entire area.
BACKPACK HUNT: This outfitter typically hunts Stone Sheep with backpacks. Backpack hunting involves loading up a big pack with all you will need for the hunt duration- tent, sleeping bag, pad, clothes, food etc and carrying it into the mountains. Your pack will generally weigh 55-65lbs and training with the pack and boots you’ll be using on the hunt are essential when preparing for the hunt. This hunt is a full 10 day backpack hunt. Usually the most physical of the options as you’re dropped off on a small lake where you will have all 10 days worth of gear and food on your back and head out for the duration of the trip. Days will be spent hiking and glassing and camping wherever you end up each day. This is an awesome remote experience in some incredible country, but very physically demanding so the more you train the better the experience will be.
Backpack hunting is a very efficient and effective way to hunt this area as you can hike to the best vantage points and stay as long as needed- with the flexibility of moving camp as the hunt progresses. They often will hike and camp on the tops of mountains and ridges which provides the best glassing and biggest viewing areas. These hunts take place in some of the most rugged and breath-taking terrain imaginable and will push your physical and mental limits. With training, a good attitude and the willingness to “do what it takes” you will have an amazing backpack hunt.
Upon arrival in camp your guide will help you go through your pack and prepare and pack your food for the hunt. You will have time to check your weapon and make sure everything is ready for the hunt before you leave for the field.
This area is very well known for a healthy Stone Sheep and Rocky Mountain Goat population. Wolves and Wolverines are in the area, and the occasional Black Bear seems to show up as well. The elevations of the lakes and rivers range from 2,000 – 5000 feet, and most of the mountains in the area are rough and steep, with the highest peaks reaching up to between 7,000 & 9,000 ft.
ATV and HIKE: They have some road or trail access into sheep & goat country and utilize it the best they can. Each year they take a couple rams and billy’s this way. In some areas they will set up a base camp with a wall tent and spike out from there when needed. When hunting out of a wall tent some days will be spent hiking to the tops of ridges and checking hidden basins and other days will be spent driving and glassing from good lookouts. However be prepared for anything as they may load up backpacks and spend multiple days in the mountains. In other areas they will use the roads and trails to get into the mountains and then start 10 days of hunting from there. In this instance ATV’s will just be used to access the area at the start of the hunt but once you start hiking you won’t typically return to them until the end of the hunt. This is a true backpack hunt where you will be climbing mountains and crossing valleys while living out of your backpack for the duration of the hunt.
HORSEBACK: In some instances you will access sheep and goat country on horseback much in the same way as how we use ATV’s. We want all horse hunters to be packed like a backpack hunt and prepared to spike out on foot. Wranglers can drop you off and pick you up but the sheep are usually where horses don’t go. It will be up to you and the guide to go find them. Every once and awhile we take a ram from the horses but more often than not, multiple nights on the mountain are standard. Depending on the area and logistics the horses can be utilized
to move between mountain chains and relocate however you need to prepare for 10 days of backpacking even when using horses to access the hunting area.
Upon arriving at their meeting location, clients are met by their team and prepped for departure into their concession via float plane or vehicle. Modest accommodations and great food will be provided at their base camp throughout your stay. They have an amazing team of guides, wranglers and other supportive staff that returns each year. Clients say that their work ethic and commitment to providing a standup service is evident in everything they do.
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