This outfitters' home is in the mountains of East-Central Nevada. They have lived in this area their entire lives, and are a 6-generation cattle ranching and hunting family. They have an outstanding working knowledge of the areas in and around where they live, and they call it their "backyard". Quality one-on-one trophy hunts are paramount with this outfitter and success rates are high. Hunts take place on public and private lands, and they have access to hard-to-find landowner tags for those that have the budget to do so.
This Nevada Outfitter hunts in one of the West's most amazing elk herds when it comes to quality. Check out the trophy gallery and you'll see for yourself. It's home to a high density of trophy elk, which attracts hunters from around the world. The area's rich vegetation and natural resources provide the animals with the necessary nutrients for antler growth and body size. The region's diverse terrain, including mountains, canyons, sagebrush flats, and aspen groves, offers a unique hunting experience for hunters of all levels. The varied terrain makes it challenging to hunt elk, but also exciting and rewarding. Strong genetics, coupled with excellent habitat, have aided in producing good chances at true trophy bulls. Elevations throughout the areas they hunt range from 4000 feet in the valleys to 9,500 feet at the peaks. Each hunt offers unique surroundings and conditions. The area's vast open spaces, stunning landscapes, and the sound of elk bugling creates a unique ambiance that is hard to replicate elsewhere.
Nevada is one state that has some unreal trophy quality elk. Nevada has strict hunting regulations that ensure sustainable management of the state's wildlife. These regulations provide fair and equal hunting opportunities for residents and non-residents and protect the elk population's long-term health and survival. It is extremely hard to draw a tag with most people waiting many years just to go hunting once in their lifetime. This Outfitter offers hunts for those that are lucky enough to draw a tag, as well as for those that have purchased a landowner tag. This outfitter works with the landowners in the areas they offer services, and they buy the tags which allows a hunter to bypass the draw. These tags are valid on the entire hunting unit that you choose – both private and public lands. The cost for landowner tags isn't cheap as well. Expect to purchase one for anywhere between $5,000 all the way up to $40,000 depending on the unit. A landowner tag is definitely a fit for certain individuals. In the meantime, keep building points and increasing your odds each year of drawing one of these coveted tags.
Their guides specialize in scouting, locating, and then taking their clients after Monster Bulls! It's not uncommon to see 350 to 400 B&C class bulls. If you have drawn the tag or continue to apply until you draw your desired tag, you can guarantee that you will be hunting one of the best locations in the world for above average elk.
This Outfitter offers hunts in August-September for archery hunters, October for muzzleloader, and November hunts for rifle hunters. Guide ratio is 1x1, and they offer five to seven day hunt packages as well as day hunts. Custom packages are also available to suit your needs, so communicate with us and we can assist in making something work with this outfitter.
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