Mountain Lions are this outfitter's specialty... and above average would be justifiable to say as well! This is an Alberta based full service outfitting company providing hunts in western Canada. They offer hunts for Alberta whitetail, mule deer and moose as well as wolf and Mountain Lion. Later in the season they move to B.C. to pursue Canadian Lynx, Bobcat, and trophy Mountain Lion for their Non-Resident predator hunts. Once the first of the year arrives, the focus the first three months of the year in pursuit of lions in Southern Alberta. In the spring time you’ll find them again with their hounds in pursuit of Black Bear in beautiful British Columbia.
They spend well over 100 days a year with their hounds hunting Lion, Lynx, and Bobcat full time from the middle of November through to the end of March. Alberta and British Columbia have done a great job strictly managing their lions, helping to allow them to reach full maturity with tremendous trophy potential un-matched anywhere else in the world! The professional team of guides and staff pride themselves on attention to detail and customer service ensuring that the hunt of a lifetime is as much of a priority to them as it is to the client. They live for their hounds, and being in the industry for years has allowed them to hunt with and seek out the very best strains of big game hounds from all over Canada and the US. They breed, raise and train their own hounds at their Alberta based kennel.
The landscape is diverse, with varying elevations, vegetation types, and geological formations, which provide a range of habitats for mountain lions. It's a lion paradise that provides a unique and varied landscape for mountain lions to live in, with a range of habitats and ecological niches. There are lots of elk to feed on, and coupled with easier terrain and a more mild climate, the lions in this area tend to be a few steps up in size compared to other areas and regions. The photo gallery speaks for itself.
This region is characterized by diverse mountainous terrain that provides a range of habitats for mountain lions. The terrain includes the Canadian Rockies, which are a chain of high peaks and ridges that extend from British Columbia through Alberta and into Montana. The region also includes the foothills, which are transitional areas between the mountains and the prairies, and the prairies themselves, which are characterized by vast grasslands and rolling hills. The fringes of these foothill areas are where these hunts mainly take place. The region offers a range of hunting opportunities, including big game such as elk, deer, bighorn sheep, and moose, as well as predators such as mountain lions and coyotes. Mountain lions inhabit areas of rugged terrain, such as steep canyons, cliffs, and rocky outcroppings in this area, which provides cover and access to prey. They are also known to inhabit forested areas, particularly those with dense underbrush, which offer cover and a source of food. This area of Alberta isn't your typical big-type country with giant canyons and slopes of no return though. The outfitter uses horses, ATV's and UTV's, snowmobiles, and vehicles as forms of transportation during the hunt. You will be hunting both private and government lands, and a lot of the private ranches only allow horses to navigate through the properties, so hunters should expect hunting using this method. They don’t want machines and they don’t want lions either, so it's a win/win for everyone.
Plan on waking up each day around 6AM, having a good breakfast, and then heading out for the day to try and cut a track. You'll be staying in a comfortable ranch-house in the hunting area, and will eat meals with the outfitter and family morning and night, with an in-field lunch during the day.
Hunting is regulated by provincial and federal agencies to ensure that it is conducted in a safe, ethical, and sustainable manner. Hunters are required to have valid licenses and tags, follow specific hunting seasons and regulations, and report their harvest to authorities.
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