This HFA Endorsed Outfitter has been in business since 1986 and has been committed to providing their clients with the finest hunting trips in Colorado and continues to do so today. They are dedicated to providing the best opportunity for their client's to obtain that trophy of a lifetime! Located in the heart of the Rockies along the Continental Divide, they offer wilderness hunts in three different wilderness areas. They hunt the prime locations for fair chase Elk, Mule Deer, Bighorn Sheep, Shiras Moose, and Mountain Goat. They also offer limited whitetail, black bear and antelope hunts. They can take you to where the hunting pressure is low and the action is high.
All of their guides and staff are trained how to handle horses, equipment, backcountry travel, and the game you are after. All guides are first aid and CPR certified and have risen up from the ranks of the outfit to hold a guide position. These processes and qualifications are to assure you the highest quality guide service. They will care for your needs and provide you the best opportunity to obtain your goals on the hunt. All of their horses used on the hunt are trained for back country travel. Before they put anyone on a horse, the horse spends at least one season as pack animals to become familiar to the demands and surroundings of the back country. All of this effort is to provide you with the safest and most comfortable travel as possible.
Their elk hunts are mainly based out of the Mt. Evans Wilderness area Lost Creek Wilderness area, and South Park. These areas are a quality controlled area with limited tags to maintain a healthy heard population and quality mature animals. They hunt a large area that provides an excellent chance of harvesting a 5x5 or 6x6 bull, these bulls range from 250” to 340” with most bulls averaging 280". Hunters have a 90% opportunity on good bulls and will see many elk on any of their hunts. These limited draw area only requires 1-10+ preference points depending on the season and method of take. Some of the units can take as many as 15 preference points. Their areas offer a tag for all levels of point holders. The limited draw limits the number of tags in the area, creating a qualify controlled area with limited pressure and healthy herd population with mature animals. The limited draw in a wilderness area provides a quality wilderness experience with limited pressure from other hunters. With low number of preference points required, a hunter can experience this quality hunt year after year. If you are looking for some adventure and wilderness style hunting this may be your ticket.
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