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Eastern Montana Private Land Mule Deer Hunt

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Season Dates:
September, October, November
Mule Deer
Guide Ratio:
Outfitted, 1 on 1, 2 on 1, Guided
Montana, United States of America
Archery, Rifle
Trip Methods:
ATV/UTV, Hiking, Spot and Stalk, Vehicle
3 Days, 6 Days
Cabin, Client Responsibility, Lodge, Ranch House, RV Camper/Trailer
Trip Units:

This HFA Endorsed Outfitter operates a top-notch guide and outfitting operation that is committed to providing exceptional outdoor experiences while also preserving their resources They take their responsibility as stewards of wildlife, landowners, and sportsmen seriously and strive to operate in an ethical and sustainable manner. Whether you are an experienced outdoorsman or a first-time hunter, this outfitter is dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience.

They have premier mule deer properties located in central and southeast Montana. They have several properties leased, consisting of over 100,000 acres, offering a wide variety of terrain. The ranches are almost completely void of all trees, primarily made up of endless rolling breaks, clay badlands, mild grasslands hills, vast sage flats, and miles of dry creek bottoms with a few dry land crops.

These properties have been managed by the outfitter for several years. They try to focus on only taking mature bucks, striving for 5+ years old and typically score 150-170"+. However, every year, there will be several 175-180"+ type bucks chasing does on the property during the rut. It's not uncommon to see 6-15+ mule deer bucks in a single day. This can be an exciting and action-packed hunt as they have a lot of deer that are always on the move. They also offer management hunts on several properties for those looking for the opportunity to take a management deer at a discounted price.

These properties do not have a lot of what most would consider "typical" whitetail country, but at times, it can hold some bigger, mature bucks scoring upwards of 140"+. Hunters will have the option to take a whitetail if presented with the opportunity.

They typically start each morning fairly early, with a quick breakfast and then they will drive to a vantage point to start glassing. Once a buck is located, a game plan is made for how to best approach the deer and set up for a clear, clean shot. Average shot distances with archery hunters are 40-60+ yards, and with rifle hunters, shots can range from 150 to 400+ yards or even further at times. Please put the time in with your bow/rifle to make sure that you are comfortable out to those distances.

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Field Preparation of Trophies, Guide, Lodging, Meals, Professional Hunter & Staff, Trip Transportation
Airport Handling & Transfers Service, Car Rental, Delivery of Meat to Processor, Delivery of Trophy to Taxidermist, Gratuities, License, Tag(s)

Option #1 Standard Ranch

$7,000.00 6 Days Outfitted, 2 on 1, Guided

Option #2 Trophy Buck

$9,500.00 6 Days Outfitted, 1 on 1, Guided
Trophy Ranch 
Trophy Fees:
181-189 + $2,000
190-199 + $4,000
Over 200 + $7,000

Option #3 Central MT Management Deer

$5,500.00 3 Days Outfitted, 2 on 1, Guided
Includes meals and lodging

Option #4 Southeast MT Management Deer

$4,000.00 3 Days 2 on 1, Guided
Guide Only
Landowner Contact:
Outfitter ID:
Last Updated:

There are 147,040 square miles in Montana. Every year, this outfitter's crew sets out on a mission to search out the best places to find that buck or bull-of-a-lifetime. Their goal is to find the best hunting that Montana has to offer and to share those places with their guests. Montana has an abundance of wildlife to offer, including Rocky Mountain elk, mule deer, whitetail, antelope, and black bear.