This HFA Endorsed Outfitter offers exceptional Mule Deer hunts on some of the best private lands that the west has to offer. This outfitter is no stranger to the business and has been outfitting hunts for a very long time! You can take advantage of this opportunity by way of an available guaranteed tag, applying to draw the applicable tag, or you may have already drawn the applicable tag. If you've drawn the tag, give us a call and we'll get you dialed in. If you are looking for a guaranteed tag, or you want to apply and draw the tag, please contact us after reading below.
They have private land opportunities that requires drawing a tag with near 100% draw odds, as well as other opportunities that come with a tag and you can bypass the draw, or in other words... a guaranteed tag! If you are hunting one of the ranches that requires drawing a tag, planning in advance prior to the Utah deadline is necessary. As stated, the draw is near 100% success without any points, and 100% if you have at least 1 point. We process all applications for these hunts to ensure that you are applied for the proper tag. The deadline is around the end of April each year.
They offer archery, Muzzleloader and Rifle hunts. They all include an experienced guide, food, lodging, transportation while hunting, field care of your animal and on certain ranches, a voucher that guarantees you will get a tag (no draw necessary). They start the day with a light breakfast to ensure arrival onto the ranches before daylight. Most days you will return to camp for lunch and and then head back out to the field for the remainder of the day. After the day ends you will return for a nice dinner.
Depending on the hunt area you will either be staying in one of their lodges/camps on the mountain or in a hotel/motel at a nearby town. All of their properties have wide open country where you can glass for miles, so bring good glass if you have it. Either way, your guide will have good glass. They recommend bringing binoculars in the highest power that you are comfortable glassing with for long periods of time. Their guides use 10–15 power bino's, and they have their own spotting scopes for really getting a good look at the animals before planning a stalk.
These properties are generally loaded up with deer. There are not many places you can go hunting where you can look at over 20 bucks a day. On their trophy buck hunts they have tremendous resident herds of deer where it's not uncommon to see over 100 deer a day with 20 or more bucks. Private land is all they hunt so there is very little pressure on the animals, which makes for an exceptional hunt all around. Most of the time they will be hunting off of UTV's that are equipped with coolers for drinks and other perishable items that are furnished by the outfitter.
The length of the shot will be determined by you and your guide. The further you can accurately shoot is a benefit and they will make every attempt to find a solid rest. You should practice shooting prone, sitting, and kneeling while bracing your rifle on a solid object such as a rock, fence post, or tree. Recommended rifle size is whatever you feel comfortable shooting and should be sighted in 2" high at a 100 yards. They do recommend your bullet weight to be at least 130 grains and up.
They hunt for mature bucks that typically have at least four points on each side. Many of their past trophies have non-typical points. Some of the widest bucks in past years have been old, mature 3x4’s or 3x5’s with heavy horns and deep forks.
Weather conditions and physical condition of the hunter can come into play especially during the October and November hunts. A typical day of hunting would be spent glassing areas from vehicles or selected elevated points hoping to catch bucks moving to and from feeding and bedding areas in the morning and evening.
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