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Marco Polo Sheep in Tajikistan

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Season Dates:
January, February, September, October, November, December
Argali-Marco Polo
Guide Ratio:
Outfitted, Guided, 1 Hunter, 2 Guides
Tajikistan, Asia
Archery, Rifle
Trip Methods:
Spot and Stalk, Vehicle
7 Days
Additional Species:
Ibex-Pamir, Wild Afghanistan Yak, Wolf, Wolf-European Grey

We arrange this Marco Polo hunt with this endorsed outfitter that has been providing hunts in Tajikistan since 1999. Their team consists of 20+ guides and each sheep client with be accompanied by at least 3 guides. Their hunting area is gigantic, covering over 300 kilometers. They provide a quality experience across the board, and they value the opportunity to hunt with international hunters from all around the world.

Hunting in Tajikistan offers a unique and rugged experience, set against the backdrop of the country's stunning mountainous landscapes. Tajikistan is located in Central Asia, with over 90% of its territory covered by mountains, including parts of the Pamirs and the Tian Shan range. The Marco Polo sheep (Ovis ammon polii) is a subspecies of the argali, a wild sheep native to Central Asia. Argali (Ovis ammon) is the largest species of wild sheep, and the Marco Polo variety is particularly notable for its spectacular horns and high-altitude habitat.

August to November (Late Summer to Early Winter) is the Prime Season. This is considered the ideal period for hunting Marco Polo sheep. The weather during this time is generally more favorable, with relatively mild temperatures and less snow, making the mountainous terrain more accessible. With the rut happening, every day is a new day. With less snow, traveling on foot or by horseback in the high-altitude regions is more manageable. The animals are easier to spot since they haven’t fully moved into deeper snow-covered areas yet. Then as the season progresses into November, snow begins to accumulate, and temperatures drop, but it is still a manageable time for hunting. Also the second half of January is really good. In January the majority of the snow comes in and it pushes the sheep down which is why it is better. The rut will be over then but the sheep that were out of site usually show up at that time. January-February (Late Winter), is the time of year that some hunters prefer, as snow forces Marco Polo sheep to lower altitudes in search of food, making them somewhat easier to track and hunt. Since the sheep move down to lower elevations, hunters don’t need to traverse such high and difficult terrain, and the numbers are greater. Temperatures can be extreme, often well below freezing, with deep snow making travel and spotting more challenging. The rugged, snowy conditions can make the hunt more physically demanding and difficult, but this outfitter is equipped with the right vehicle and machines to navigate wherever is needed.

Marco Polo sheep are found at altitudes of 12,000 to 15,000 feet (3,600 to 4,600 meters), and the physical strain of hunting at these altitudes can be taxing. Fitness and acclimatization to high elevations are crucial. Tajikistan’s Pamir Mountains can experience rapid changes in weather. Even during the prime season, you should be prepared for sudden temperature drops and snowstorms. In conclusion, the August to November period is the most popular time to hunt Marco Polo sheep due to milder weather and easier access. However, if you’re looking for a more challenging and less crowded experience, the January-February window also offers great opportunities, though the conditions will be much harsher.

From December through January, temperatures in the Pamir Mountains can be extremely cold, with average lows ranging from zero to minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit. High winds can also be a factor, particularly in the higher elevations, making conditions even more challenging. It's important to note that the weather in the Pamir Mountains can be unpredictable and can change rapidly, with snow and high winds a frequent occurrence. Visitors to the region should be prepared for a range of weather conditions, and should bring appropriate clothing and gear to stay warm and dry in the harsh and challenging environment.

The best time of the year, which is the rut, is the end of Nov through the end of December. With the rut happening every day is a new day. Also the second half of January is really good. As mentioned before. In January the snow comes in and pushes the sheep down which is why it is better. The rut will be over then but the sheep that were out of site usually show up at that time.

The option to add on a Pamir Ibex is also available! Sheep hunts can hunt them on a trophy fee basis. Hunting for Pamir Ibex in Tajikistan is also significant for its cultural heritage, as it is a popular activity among local communities who have a deep connection to the land and its wildlife. The hunt can also provide important revenue for conservation efforts and support local economies in rural areas.

When hunting Marco Polo Argali in Tajikistan, accommodations are generally basic but comfortable and functional, designed to provide comfort in the remote and harsh mountain environments. Hunters stay in the lodge equipped with heaters to protect against the cold. Sleeping arrangements consist of simple beds with warm blankets and linens. Meals are hearty and straightforward, often featuring local cuisine such as soups, stews, and bread. Bathroom facilities are great, with pit latrines and/or simple toilets, and washing options are available if needed. Camps prioritize warmth and nourishment to ensure hunters are well-rested. Power is usually generated through solar panels or small generators, with electricity and modern connectivity. The accommodations overall are very comfortable, and they offer an authentic experience, allowing hunters to focus on the adventure in one of the world's most remote wilderness areas.

Asian travel for the first time hunter, or seasoned traveler, can be a somewhat daunting prospect. Since 9-11, things have certainly changed and country to country travel in Asia, with the language barrier, can be challenging. The key to hassle free travel is being informed and prepared. Over the years our outfitter-partner has built a team of “handlers” at each airport checkpoint and transfer point who will make you feel completely at ease. By following these guidelines and suggestions, you will breeze through travel formalities with a feeling of confidence instead of concern. Rare indeed is the hunter who travels but once to Asia. It is common, on the journey home, to begin planning the next trip to another country or destination, for a different trophy!

The people of Tajikistan are diverse and multifaceted, with a rich cultural heritage and a history that has been shaped by various influences over time. The population is made up of several ethnic groups, including Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Russians, among others. The majority of the population is Tajik, and the country's culture and traditions are deeply rooted in the Tajik people's history and way of life. Tajiks are known for their warm hospitality, generosity, and kindness, and they take great pride in their country and its cultural heritage.

Tajikistan is a predominantly Muslim country, and religion plays an important role in daily life and cultural practices. However, the country is known for its tolerant and inclusive approach to religion, and people of different faiths are able to coexist peacefully. The people of Tajikistan are also known for their resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity. The country has faced numerous challenges over the years, including civil war, economic instability, and natural disasters, but the people have continued to persevere and maintain a strong sense of community and solidarity.

Asian travel for the first time hunter, or seasoned traveler, can be a somewhat daunting prospect. Since 9-11, things have certainly changed and country to country travel in Asia, with the language barrier, can be challenging. The key to hassle free travel is being informed and prepared. Over the years our outfitter-partner has built a team of “handlers” at each airport checkpoint and transfer point who will make you feel completely at ease. By following these guidelines and suggestions, you will breeze through travel formalities with a feeling of confidence instead of concern. Rare indeed is the hunter who travels but once to Asia. It is common, on the journey home, to begin planning the next trip to another country or destination, for a different trophy!

For more detailed trips such as this one, we suggest that you allow us to take the stress out of your preparation for for this hunt and allow us to work hand in hand with this outfitter to prepare you accordingly. After all... this is one of the most highly prized trophies on earth!

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Airport Pickup and Dropoff, Customs Clearance, Field Preparation of Trophies, Firearm Permit, Interpreter, License, Lodging, Meals, Tag(s), Trip Transportation
Accomm. Away from Lodge/Camp, Airport Handling & Transfers Service, CITES Export Permit, Flight(s), Gratuities, Hotel, International Flight(s), Trophy Expediting/Handling, Trophy Exportation (Logistics and Handling), Trophy Shipment

Option #1

$49,500.00 7 Days Outfitted, 1 Hunter, 3 Guides, Guided
  • 2025/2026 Pricing

Option #2

$52,500.00 7 Days Outfitted, 1 Hunter, 3 Guides, 1 on 1
  • 2026/2027 Pricing

  • Add a additional trophies to a Marco Polo Hunt (see trophy fees below)
  • Observer Price: $3,500

Ibex-Pamir $8,400.00

Trophy fee for Pamir Ibex harvested on a Marco Polo Sheep hunt

Wild Afghanistan Yak $3,500.00
Wolf $1,500.00

$500 for the permit and $1000 for the trophy fee