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Peak Rut Alberta Moose

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Season Dates:
September, October
Canadian Moose
Guide Ratio:
2 on 1
Alberta, Canada
Any Weapon
Trip Methods:
ATV/UTV, Spot and Stalk, Vehicle
7 Days
Easy Moderate
Wall Tent

This is a straight forward moose hunt. The outfitter has been active in the outdoors since he was a child and spends his free time in the Canadian bush. He takes a very limited number of hunters for moose and black bear each season.

Hunters drive up to Manning Alberta and link up with the outfitter. After paperwork and tags are in order you will head straight to the field. A wall tent will serve as home during your hunt and you will eat hot meals for breakfast and dinner with sack lunch and snacks in between. This hunt is not physically demanding and our more senior hunters can handle the terrain. Expect to travel from camp in a side by side each morning and hunt different calling locations throughout the trip.

Once out of the field you you can depart for home or stay in a local hotel if you decide to have meat processed locally.

The outfitter has been 100% on his moose and expects to maintain that record.

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Field Preparation of Trophies, License, Lodging, Meals, Tag(s), Taxes, Trip Transportation
Gratuities, Hotel, License, Tag(s)

Option #1

$11,000.00 7 Days 2 on 1